What is kora
What is KoraDrive?
KoraDrive is a car loan program tailored for those with limited or no credit history. With no credit score or co-signer requirements, KoraDrive is a great option for students, first-time buyers, or anyone looking to build credit.
Why you should use Kora’s dealer portal
Close more deals
Close more deals.
We look at more than just an applicant’s credit score to determine if they can pay back their loan. This means we can work with customers without a significant amount of credit history, a Social Security Number, or a co-signer.
We pay you
We pay you.
Every time one of your customers finances with Kora, we pay you a commission.
Find new customers
Find new
When you sign-up with Kora, you get added to our list of preferred dealers. So when a customer comes to us first, we send them to you.

How it works

Blur Create an account
01 Create an account
Tell us about yourself when you sign up in the dealer portal and we’ll get in touch.
Blur Make a referral
02 Make a referral
Start an application for your customer through the dealer portal and we will handle the rest.
Blur Sit back and relax
03 Sit back and relax
We will process the application and let the customer know if they are approved in 1 business day.

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